Dr. Appleseed's Elderberry Blog
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Ancient Remedy, Modern Revival
Posted by Catie Morse on
Unlock the Heart Health Benefits of Elderberry
Posted by Catie Morse onDid you know that elderberry supports a healthy cardiovascular system? Elderberry has been cherished for its health benefits for over 4,000 years. This small, dark berry is rich in a powerful antioxidant known as anthocyanin. A meta-analysis revealed that anthocyanin intake—whether through natural foods or supplements—can lead to healthy changes in body mass index, blood sugar levels, and lipid profiles, especially among individuals with higher-than-normal values.
Photo: Dr. Appleseed's Elderberry Syrup in cup and in spoon. Anthocyanin pigments are the red, purple, and blue hues.

Frequently Asked Question: Is Elderberry Right for Children? Guide to Children's Serving Sizes
Posted by Steven Jacobs onThe short answer is "YES!" Every age group can benefit from elderberry extracts and syrups. It's perfect for children, moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, nurses, doctors, travelers, and any folks who have high exposure. Elderberry is your everyday immune system ally! Best taken daily as a part of your health...