Dr. Appleseed's Elderberry Blog

Dr. Appleseed's Earth Initiatives
Posted by Catie Morse onDr. Appleseed’s is taking care of the plants that take care of us, ensuring supply for generations to come. This is what we call whole ecosystem care. We're participating in the State of California’s 30x30 initiative -- to conserve 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030. Our...

Elderberry Propagation Series Part 2: Sowing Seed and Germination
Posted by Catie Morse onA particularly challenging plant to grow from seed, we’re working on developing and documenting the best practices for West Coast native elderberry propagation. Typically, favored cultivars of elderberry are propagated via cuttings. This is a reliable method to generate genetically identical plants, however we are looking to promote genetic diversity and...

How to Use Elderberry & What are the Benefits?
Posted by Catie Morse onThe elder plant is one of the most widely used health-supporting botanicals in the world. While elderberries have only recently gained attention from the mainstream medical community for their usefulness in promoting resilience and maintaining good health, this herbal ally has long been part of the human story. Considered a longevity...

Elderberry Propagation Series Part 1: Seed Collection and Preparation
Posted by Catie Morse onA particularly challenging plant to grow from seed, we’re working on developing and documenting the best practices for West Coast native elderberry propagation. Typically, favored cultivars of elderberry are propagated via cuttings. This is a reliable method to generate genetically identical plants, however we are looking to promote...

What makes elderberry so special to us?
Posted by Catie Morse onWhat makes elderberry so special to me? Fifteen years ago I was foraging in the Cascade mountains when I came upon a wild orchard. “Wild” because it was far out there and “orchard” because it was a high density, and beautifully abundant elderberry region that a human may (or may...